Every woman needs her own Sacred She Space, where she can relax and do whatever she wants. It does not matter whether this is a “she shed,” “she cave,” a private room, a basement, or a corner in a quiet room. Having a space where you can quiet your thoughts and relax is fundamental to your mental, spiritual, and physical health.
Your “She Space” is a sacred place for women. It is where all the pieces of a woman can come together. She Spaces are meant to inspire creativity and promote relaxation, so identify how you will use the space first when creating yours. Decorate your space regardless of if it’s big or small. Make it your own place of refuge for you. Give your space a lot of love and nurturing. In return, you will be surprised at what giving your space this energy will do for you. Add books to your space or magazines. Bring crystals if you’re into crystals. Its crystals aren’t your thing, at colors, pillows, music, instruments, and all the things that you enjoy. Make your “sacred she space” your own private retreat.
After creating your “she space,” the next move is to enjoy it. We are so busy all the time. But it is important to take some time for yourself to enjoy the space. Set an appointment to visit your secret “she space” at least once a week and more if possible. This could be as little as 30 minutes or as long as hours.
Enjoy your time in the space. You could bring a glass of wine or your favorite fruit juice. Another idea would be to keep a journal in your shoe space. It is incredible how relaxing it can be to write the things that you’re feeling. Winding them down allows you to release them. So, take 10 minutes to journal.
You can even invite other women to join you for a ladies’ evening. Your “she space” will enjoy all the positive energy and laughter.
Get excited about your time in your “she space.” And make it all about you. During your time in your safe space, allow no distractions. Turn your phone off or put it on vibrate. This is your time to relax. Make this time a priority in your life. Create self-discipline. Then watch as your life transforms, strengthens, and grows.